

All services can be fully contextualized for any type of organization. Please contact Katie to learn more.

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Gender audit and mainstreaming - private sector companies

Comprehensive review and analysis of internal company structure, policies, staff demographics, key business activities, teams and ways of working, followed by a detailed report with full recommendations and practical next steps for how to effectively mainstream gender throughout the business. Involves in-depth consultation with management and key staff in small groups to assess baseline situation and staff perspectives to inform the most effective approach to mainstreaming, on a case-by-case basis..

bespoke gender programming

Katie can develop unique, fully customized gender transformative programs for a wide variety of organizations and across numerous different sectors, as well as review and improve existing programs that may have gender equality impact goals.


Audit: In-depth review and analysis of existing policies/strategies with targeted recommendations made for improvements based on a broad spectrum of gender considerations.

Co-design: Collaborative design of new or early draft policies/strategies working closely with relevant client team and key stakeholders, focusing on full customization with gender considerations mainstreamed throughout to maximize policy/strategy impact and ease of future implementation.


Audit: In-depth review and analysis of existing programs or projects with targeted recommendations made for improvements based on a broad spectrum of gender considerations.

Co-design: Collaborative design of new or early stage programs or projects working closely with relevant client team,  focusing on full customization with gender considerations mainstreamed throughout each phase to maximize program / project impact and effectiveness.


Comprehensive review and analysis of internal organizational structure, policies, staff capacities, programs/projects and ways of working, followed by a detailed report with full recommendations and practical next steps for how to effectively mainstream gender throughout the organization, and all programmatic work if desired. Involves in-depth consultation with all staff in small groups to assess baseline situation and staff capacities in terms of gender knowledge and understanding.


Katie is available to provide gender advisory services across a diverse range of sectors for organizations, businesses and other institutions on an as-needed basis, designed to suit their specific needs.



Participatory workshops: Katie has developed the following unique workshops for organizations and businesses:

  • Introduction to Gender

  • Gender-based Violence

  • Gender and Agriculture

  • Gender and Rural Livelihoods

  • Evaluating Gender Equality Impact

  • Gender Transformative Programming

  • Gender and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

  • Gender and Leadership

  • Gender in the Work Place

  • Gender and Communications

  • Basics of Gender Analysis

  • Gender and Child Protection / Safeguarding

  • Understanding Social Norms

  • Positive Masculinity and Gender Norms

  • Introduction to Feminist Leadership for Inclusion and Diversity

  • Youth Activism

Custom workshops: Katie can create a custom gender workshop(s) for your team based on an initial consultation with your organization to best understand your specific needs and desired outcomes.

Applied learning & coaching sessions

Katie can create hands-on, bespoke applied learning sessions for you and your team, to first guide them through the process of gender analysis and mainstreaming, and then practice what they've learned in groups in a participatory, interactive manner under her personal guidance. Katie can also provide in-depth, ongoing coaching for different teams, providing personalized support for those at all different levels of capacity, in the interest of helping your team reach their programmatic or organizational goals related to gender equality and mainstreaming.

Get in touch to further explore what Katie can do for your organization.

Connect with Katie here.